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Mentor Award Details

Read below for information regarding the 2024 Mentor Award.

Submission Deadline: October 15, 2024

Reminder to become a member of APECS Canada!


To be eligible for this award the candidate must have contributed significantly over a period of several years to the mentoring and fostering of polar early career researchers in Canada.

We encourage nomination packages from a variety of backgrounds, including academia, industry, professionals, community members, Elders, educators, public servants, and anyone else that has made a meaningful impact on polar early career researchers.

Those nominating a mentor must be members of APECS Canada or the Arctic Net Student Association. Mentors are not required to be mentoring current members of either association. 



To be considered, all mentors must be nominated by current/former students, peers, and/or colleagues. Self-nomination will not be accepted.

To nominate a mentor you must provide a letter that includes:

  1. The mentor's name and position.

  2. A description of how the mentor has fostered early career polar researchers (max 1000 words).

  3. The mentor's curriculum vitae / resumé.

Each nomination letter must be supported by at least 3 other letters of support (max 500 words). Nomination and support letters should be submitted through this Google form.

If a nominated mentor does not receive the award in the year of submission, they will automatically be considered for the following two years (three year total). After this, a mentor's nomination will need to be re-submitted.

Review, Criteria, and Decision

Review: All nominations under consideration will be reviewed by the Award Committee made up of 3-6 members of APECS and the ArcticNet Student Association. 

Criteria: Each of the below categories will be ranked for each mentor:

  • Meaningful engagement with early career researchers

  • Originality and variety of support/mentoring (i.e., individuals, groups, use of mentorship tools.

  • Impact of the support/mentoring.

  • Variety of mentees the mentor has supported (ie., early career researchers, scientific community, local community).

  • Engagement with northern communities (i.e., activities done beyond the research project).

Decision: The final decision will be made by consensus of the Award Committee.


Award Presentation

Each year the Mentor Award will be presented at the ArcticNet Annual Science Meeting. If the recipient is not in attendance, they may nominate someone to receive it in their place. 

The Chair will coordinate with the ArcticNet Student Association for the presentation ceremony.

Award Committee 2024

  • President: Danielle Hallé , University of Waterloo

  • Vice-President: Galina Jonat, Carleton University

  • Secretary: Emmelie Paquette, Carleton University

  • General committee members:

    • Shelby Patrick, University of Toronto

    • Carol-Anne Villeneuve, Université de Montréal

    • Daniela Walch, U. de Québec à Rimouski

    • Khashiff Miranda, Université de Laval

    • Ashley Cameron, Memorial University

    • Fowzia Ahmed, University of Manitoba

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